14lbs GONE for good!!

14lbs GONE for good!!

How amazing does my girl look💪 1 stone gone for good through online coaching🙌

🙌 People often say when I mention online coaching or in person, " I'd definitely need someone to watch me and shout and me to keep me going and that's fine, I understand that however who's watching you and shouting at you the other 23 hours of your day, who holds you accountable for that?

Online coaching is by far better in my opinion, the support you get 24/7 having your coach a text or phone call away is the ultimate accountability which means your less likely to f**k shit up!! Not to mention the value for money you get with this, nutritional guides based on the foods you love to eat, tailored training plans specific to you, weekly changes and adjustments, check ins and the list goes on. This is how this amazing lady has achieved her results to date, with online coaching iv been with her every step of the way😁 

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